CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
June 30, 2005
From: "JANICE" Dear CHAIN friends, This may seem like a strange request, but I have a friend who is a purebred collie breeder. This morning she discovered that all the pups and Mother and Father dog were all missing off of their farm. This is income for this family, so they rely on the sale of the pups. If you are an animal lover, or even if you are not, please say a prayer these dogs will be found and brought back to this family. “Bless the Beasts & the Children.”
Thanx… Janice
From: "BARBARA" Once again i come to you in special need of prayer. My 21 year old nephew was killed Wednesday on his motorcycle. The wake is tonight, funeral saturday at 9:00 a.m. Please pray, Barbara
June 28, 2005
From: "RICHARD" Dear friends, Please pray for me, a sinner. My life is in real despair. My marriage is less than happy. Children by my former wife have turned their back on me through poison spread by their mother. I am in much despair as a person and father. Satan has penetrated my family through the women in my life and has caused me much heartache. My health is not good and I pray for salvation, again. I also pray that God will shield me from these attacks all because I strive to follow God's word.
Please pray most for a friend of mine's mother. Her name is Hazel and she is not well, in her 80's. She has recently been diagnosed with E. coli in her kidneys.
I pray that God will forgive me for the sins of my life and pray that somehow, God will carry me through this extremely difficult personal time. I believe in my heart that through Christ all things are possible. When even one of us prays, it shall be heard. Please keep my family and me in your prayers. God bless you all!
Thank you for your prayers! In Christ! Richard
June 22, 2005
From: "NANCY" My son's wife is seeing another man. My son has two children with his wife and loves his family very much and wants to keep his family together.
June 21, 2005
From: "MARIAN" I pray that God will send my husband of 25 years to seek professional help. May he seek to reconcile our marriage and family.
June 12, 2005
From: "ROBIN" My mother just died from a botched surgery in January 2005. She was healthy and now my father is alone. He is having trouble paying his rent. My brother was helping him but just stopped and now he is in trouble. I paid for my mother's funeral. I was a single mom on disability with my own home but paid it all. My new husband's company had financial problems and now he is interviewing for three good companies but one in particular that would help us so much. He is educated and very smart so I am hoping he gets this job. I can't afford to pay an extra $1,000 a month for my dad's rent. I wish I could. Please God and all help and pray for us.
On top of it all I suffer from Crohn's disease and have been very sick and in pain from all the stress. I also have a beautiful 7 year old daughter to care for. Dear God please make life start to go smoother and provide help, which we need desperately. My father is also going for a test because he might have liver cancer on top of it all. Please help us and send us the love and hope we need. We are good people and trying very hard. Every time I spend a dime I feel awful but I also want my little one to have some fun and peace after loosing her grandma who she was very close with and having me sick around her all the time. Its so sad but we are positive people. May God help all around: sickness first of course and a way to just keep financial obligations paid.
We don't want a lot just to be okay and I am so worried about my dad. My brother was paying his rent as I mentioned but just stopped and he has the money. May God put it in his heart to continue a little longer or something to go good for us. If my husband Adam gets a good job like the one he is going to the second interview for and ends up making good money we will help the best we can. It still would be hard to pay Dad's entire rent but who knows if Adam makes a lot it may be a different situation. At least I could buy him groceries, etc.
Also please ask God to help the pain stop in my abdomen. I am so tired of having Crohn's. I am 38 years old and have had it since age 10 with two major bowel resections. I need some peace. I worry about everyone, which I know doesn't help but it's just who I am. I care, I care about the world and have helped many in my life. Please God let it be my turn. I did it not because I wanted anything back but I am in need and I guess it's okay to ask?
All my love, Robin
June 8, 2005
From: "LORINDA" Please pray for my cousin Gina. She has had cancer in her female organs, just had a kidney removed with cancer a few months ago and you name it, medically it has happened to her. Now they have found a place in her lung. Gina has two young children, she's a single mom, and she has many other health problems, her heart, her thyroid, etc. Please, please send this request out to anyone you know who will pray, I beg you.
Please pray for Patti, who has medical problems and chronic pain with no family or help in her area. She's all alone and unable to get to the store for food or anything. She must have a biopsy next Wednesday for a place in her throat.
Lift Brenda up who just lost Cecil. At 8:30 this morning he passed away.
Praise Report: My test results on my breast are FINE! Thank each and every one of you for your prayers, God bless you and keep you all in His hands. My sons are both doing better also. My youngest wants to go in the Army, but has chosen the infantry. Please pray he will change his mind about that. My oldest, Jeremey is still not well; please pray for him in every aspect of his life.
Bless you and you'll never know what all your prayers mean to me. Thank you, Love Lorinda
June 6, 2005
From: "ALFRED" Please pray for the salvation of our friend Frank R. who just graduated from college. Frank and Jen plan to be married in a year and we know that a relationship with the Lord will provide the best foundation for their marriage. Thanks, Alfred