CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
April 30, 2005
From: "PHYLLIS" Please pray for my husband and I. We have been through a really rough time the past 4 or 5 years in our marriage and finances. Things are turning around for us now but please pray that they will only continue to get better and also pray that the Lord will do a mighty work in our lives. I would love to see my husband in the ministry. He would make a good minister but it's whatever the Lord wants him to do and the same for me as well. Just pray that the Lord will continue to lead and guide us.
One last thing . . . 10 years ago this may I was operated on for cancer. They told me that I had only about 2 years to live or less. Well praise the Lord I am still here and have been cancer free for all that time. What a mighty God we serve. Even though I went through all the things cancer patients go through I know in my heart who really healed me. They told me that the medicine they were giving me might not work so it wasn't man's medicine it was God's medicine! I just believe the Lord has more in store for us.
April 25, 2005
From: "MARY" Daily spiritual warfare praying please. I'm 40 and student teaching in a. junior high until May 13th. I've got 4 defiant kids in class and the administration wants the teachers to handle it. They disrupt class badly! Three are Muslims; one is Hispanic. I've been praying for wisdom, for the classes in Periods 5, 6, and 7 and specifically for Yahee, BeBe, Gaby & Sariah.
Thank you, Mary
From: "JENNY" Please lift up Pastor Jack and the team traveling with Joan (from Israel) to Budapest on May 2nd to minister in Hungry. This is an area that is ripe with anti-semitism and the ministry has asked us to soak them in prayer while they are in Budapest.
April 21, 2005
From: "KATHY" Dear Prayer Warriors, Please pray that the Lord heals Cy.
Thank you! Kathy.
April 19, 2005
From: "GAIL" Hello: Please pray for me and my family. We need help; God knows the situation I want to get straightend out.
April 17, 2005
From: "LINDA" Hello all, Please pray that my financial troubles will soon be over. I was working, supporting my husband who is an alcoholic and my 12 year old daughter. Unfortunately I now have Parkinson's along with insulin-dependent diabetes and dystonia. Since I am no longer able to work, the bills have been piling up. My husband won't work, but I need to keep the family together as I want my daughter to have two parents. I need to get stronger, and I need your prayers for a miracle.
Thank you all, Linda
April 16, 2005
From: "T. G." My Mother had breast cancer that spread to her brain but they got it all. Now they have found another tumor in the brain. Please pray that it is not cancer and she never has cancer again and in her natural life she lives for many, many more years and cancer free. Please pray that when the doctor calls again after getting the report from the last doctor he has good news for us about my mother and he tells us what I am hoping for and please give me and my mother the peace and happiness of knowing she is fine in the way I want her to be for many, many more years in her natural life. Please pray that if anything on her test is bad, God changes the test so it is healthy. Please pray it is not too late.
Thank you and God Bless
April 15, 2005
From: "MOLLY" Please pray for my husband Jerry. He was diagnosed with colon cancer and will have surgery Monday the 18th to remove it. He is 82, but otherwise, very healthy and loves the Lord.
Thank you, Molly
April 11, 2005
From: "S. G." Please pray with us for my wife Susan. I lost Susan Dec.17th, 2004. We were with each other 10 years for 24 hours a day. Now I am alone 24 hours a day. Please pray I can stand strong till I join Susan forever. Susan would pray for the world each night. She loved people and would help them. Thank you and God bless you
April 10, 2005
From: "STAN" Please pray for me and Jessica, that we will love each other more. And with the Lord's help find a ministry that we can do together.
Thanks, Stan
April 6, 2005
From: "KATHY" Dear Prayer Warriors,
Please pray for healing for Cy. He is disoriented and bloated. Please
pray that our Lord lets Cy live and be strong again.
Thank you! Kathy
April 3, 2005
From: "KIM" My husband and I have been raising our 3 year old grandson Hunter since his mother chose to move out of our home a year and a half ago to live a life of sin, smoking, drinking, bars, immorality. After very little contact with him since she moved out, on March 1st she came and spitefully took him away from us and the only home he has ever known. He had been with me since birth. She has completely cut him off from everything and everyone he's familiar with. She left with only the clothes on his back. Please pray she will bring him back and that she will get right with God and stop living in sin. She was raised in church and knows better. She aborted another baby in January but is telling everyone she miscarried. She has lied and used people to get whatever she wants with no regard for anything or anyone. She is reunited with her ex-boyfriend (he's not Hunter's father) who cheated on her and who caused her serious financial trouble. He is unsaved and married. They are living with his parents, sister, and 3 year old nieces; all are unbelievers. He doesn't support his two sons that live with his wife, yet out of spite he wants our grandson. He has a history of domestic violence (with at least 3 different women) and has served time in jail supposedly for theft. He is currently out on bail for aggravated battery on a pregnant person and he goes to trial for it on March 31st (pretrial conference on May 10th). We are praying that God will remove him from our daughter's life by sending him to jail for what he has done and while in jail he'll get born again. If it weren't for this boyfriend, she wouldn't have taken Hunter because she had nowhere to go and nobody to watch him. They have health problems and the overcrowded living quarters may expose Hunter to disease. We haven't seen him since she took him and now she will not even let us talk to him. Our grandson is very attached to us and she is leaving him with these people he's never met before. When they broke up the first time, she told us bad things about this boyfriend and his family so we fear for Hunter's safety. Also, after she first took Hunter away, he told us on the phone that "Mommy won't let me pray to God" (he went to church faithfully with me and loves Jesus) so we worry about his spiritual well-being too. This is devastating us and our family. Hunter is the apple of everyone's eye in our entire family. Please pray for us to be strong and to remain faithful and for God's protection over Hunter. We need a miracle! Thank you for your prayers.
In Christ, Kim