1) Name:____________________
2) Address:__________________
3) Phone #___________________
The name listed above is:
- My real name
- An alias
- My nick when I was in prison
- The nick when I worked the street
The Address Above is:
- A zoo
- The State Mental Hospital
- My home
- Someone elses home
- Undecided
- How do you tell?
- Male
- Female
- Real
- Green
- Dentures
- Borrowed
- Two
- Blue
- Crossed
- Only for you
- Brown
- Red
- What hair?
- Blonde
- I was never in the military.
- I is a college graduate.
- Doh!
- What was the question again?
Being unequally yoked is:
- Me paying more on a date
- You paying more than me on a date
- When you have eggs and I have pancakes for breakfast
- Me pagan, You christian. (or vice versa)
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I live in a:
- Apartment
- Car
- Under a bridge
- A house
I was:
- Created in a test tube
- Born
- Hatched
- Found
My best picture was:
- Prom Night
- Passport Photo
- Mug Shot
- Of my back
My age is:
- Older than the half life of the fastest decaying Uranium
- Older than dirt
- Older than my mom says she is
- Older than the tofu in the fridge
I am a christian because:
- I took communion
- I live in the USA
- God gave me the power to become His child when I believed in Jesus
- What's a christian?
If I ask you to take me home I mean:
- My home
- Your home
- The nursing home
- Home, Home on the range
I believe marriage is:
- Unbelievable
- Unbearable
- Undeniable
- Undying
I love to cook:
- Those microwavable dinners
- Every meal for my sweetie
- Buuuuahahahahahaha (snort)
- Anything I can hold over a campfire on a stick